My body is animal I run from fire I feel fear as movement My mind is animal Instinct eclipses insight I cry when I'm hurt My eyes are animal I see squirrels flee, tree to tree, deer striding with me My skin is animal Seeking cooler pools Water, lick my wounds My trembling is animal Young clinging to my fur Do not, I must not Lose them My nose is animal Rigid and sensitive Tender green scent, confused with blood and burn My ears are animal Attuned to my own kind Alert to machine hum I am animal Wingtip to claw Womb to exhale Alive as animal, Dying animal
I’m from northern Los Angeles as much as I’m from anywhere. It’s burning down today. I write from North Carolina where I now live, and hurricane Helene washed away a city this fall. I feel a dread in my body that I don’t know how else to communicate. The artwork here is by Tyrus Wong, a Chinese American artist who did most of the artwork in the original Bambi film. You can read more about his life in the picture book Paper Son.